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3/15/08 Ok here's my review of I am Legend: This movie is amazing and definitely recommend watching it. I have seen this movie twice and the scenes of suspense still scare the crap out of me. The movie is slow and only a few things actually happen but man, do they make it gripping! The religious Cristian overtones were in my opinion, a little unnecessary, but in the end they do answer the questions the movie raises. Smith s so alone and feeling huge amounts of guilt every day for 1.5 years makes him a little crazy. He is both starved for attention and for forgiveness. In most movies, I sit and think how I would act in the situation, but for this movie I find myself going crazy and not being able to cope with the main character's suffering. Ok, well I don't want to go any more in depth and ruin any more of the movie, so just go out and see it because I give it a 5/5.
4/11/07 This is a BF2 vid of me playing -here, and this is my youtube -page.
10/24/06 I made a flcl video that i think is ok- click here
10/24/06 Hey, I put made this vid for the ps3 a while back, but i forgot to put it up so u can watch it on youtube -here, or on -here.
10/16/06 I was checking out subliminal messages in disney films. Pretty cool: List of Messages
And I was looking at stuff on how the seven charecters of gilligan's island are personifications of the deadly sins, but the skipper is both anger and gluttony. This makes Gilligan, Satan! He is the cause of all of their misfortune and keep's them on his island. Pretty Wierd! A site
10/02/06 My Birthday! I turned 19.
9/22/06 here's some of my recent grades
Calculus - 72
Biology - 74, 84
Sociology - 84
Buisness - 70

hopefully I improve soon.
8/17/06 Left for Blacksburg, Virginia - Hopefully Virginia Tech is alot of fun.
7/27/06 Got A new Cell Phone and Laptop - Both are great!!